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Answers You Need

How Many Children Can you have at one time?

I can look after six children up to the age of eight. Of these, a maximum of three can be under fives, who are classed as 'young children and as a single childminder I can only have one child under one year old.

Are you Ofsted registered?

I will be soon !!, I am also a member of Pacey and Childcare.

Do you get inspections?

Of course!

Do you Offer Funding?

I sure do.

Can you cook to cater for allergies and dietary needs?

Yes, However an extra charge may apply depending on cost of food/Drink.

Do you have any Pets?

Yes, I have a 4 year old labradoodle called Lexi & A 5 year old cat called Ellie.
*Both animals have a separate living area and will not be involved with the children if requested*

Do you have any qualifications & Experience in childcare?

What schools do you drop off/pick up from?

Butlers hill 
*Depending on the demand, Other schools in the Hucknall area also*

How do you ensure my child is kept safe?

I am required to carry out risk assessments both of the home and garden and whenever I take children out. I am also required to record any accidents or incidents and any medication that is given.

What activities do you provide?

I provide a variety of activities indoors and outdoors, That meet the needs of all aged children.
If your child has an interest, let me know and I can incorporate that into our day.

How do I support your child's learning development?

Like all other childminders and nurseries, I follow The early years foundation stage (EYFS) That is based of your child's individual development.

How will I be informed on my child's progress?

I will carry out observations on each area of learning and be able to identify the area they may need more help with. 
All information will be accessed upon request.

What happens if you or my child is unwell?

Myself -You will not be charged and possible emergency care may be given from another Childminder.


Your child- You will be charged for the days that your child will be off.

What do you do about holidays?

If I go on holiday you will be given 4-8 weeks notice and will not be charged.


If you go on holiday, You will be charged for the days your child would normally attend.

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